*Sarah Howard Bill Conway Adam Zieren JP Claxton Ben Cindrich Tim Dunn Greg Fendler Corey Iqbal Larry Leonard Mark Rome Janet Gose Bryan Wilkerson Anne Mentzer Patrick Smith Scott Campbell Kris Hennessey Ned O’Connor Fr. Storey - Parish and School Representative Katy Rocca - Parish and School Representative
Building Committee
*Patrick Smith Quentin McArthur Nathan Noe Patrick Cisar Kathy Petrie Marsha Steimer John Schlick Patrick White James Lake Jeff Gorski Steve Wendland Mike Patt Fr. Storey - Parish and School Representative Matt Rocca - Parish and School Representative Katy Rocca - Parish and School Representative
School Advisory Council
*Maggie Collins Patrick White Charlie Ammeen Amy Dempewolf Frank Allen Scott Campbell Sarah Sullivan Ali Dunn Julie Rome Tanner Rapelye Anne Parrott Ashley Walchshauser Fr. Storey^ Natalie McDonough^ Jackie Barber^ Bryn Timme^ Katy Rocca^