JOURNEY: New Life in Christ is a new, parish-based retreat.
Curé of Ars is hosting our inaugural Journey Retreat for Men on February 3-4, 2024. This is not a full weekend retreat, we will be together for less than 30 hours (including sleep!). Over this relatively short time, you will build authentic community, fraternity, and understanding.
This retreat is being organized by the Dads at Curé group and all men of the parish are invited to attend. Click here to register.
Charge your faith life.
Are you ready to take a deep dive into practical spirituality? To build authentic friendships with other great men in a remarkably short time? Your journey starts here. Take a little time to dive into prayer, camaraderie, and appreciation for the gifts we've all been freely given. Join us on Journey and enjoy a deeper experience of Curé of Ars going forward.